Fleur-de-lys Abdominoplasty
A standard abdominoplasty leaves a scar running across your lower tummy in a similar location to a Caesarean section scar. Usually this is sufficient for most patients, but in some cases there is also skin looseness in a side-to-side direction, especially if you have experienced a significant amount of weight loss or multiple previous pregnancies. If that is the case then it may be necessary to remove skin in a side-to-side direction, using an additional midline scar. This is called a "Fleur-De-Lys abdominoplasty" because the pattern of skin removal looks, with the eye of faith, a bit like the flower it is named after.
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Fleur-De-Lys abdominoplasty surgery targets the most excessive skin laxity in those who have experienced major weight loss. It also addresses loose muscles around the abdomen, hernias if present and excess abdominal wall fat. The bikini area (mons) is often loose after massive weight loss - if so this would also be lifted.
A Fleur-De-Lys abdominoplasty is a great option after massive weight loss but you must be comfortable with the thought of having a permanent midline scar on your tummy - this is the only scar that cannot be easily hidden after an abdominoplasty. If not it may be worth considering a different kind of abdominoplasty in which it’s easier to hide scars.
As with other forms of tummy tuck, I encourage early gentle mobilisation and the use of surgical tape over the scars for 3 months. This most extensive type of tummy tuck carries the highest risk of fluid accumulation (seroma) in the first few weeks, and you may need additional clinic appointments to drain these. However many post-surgery consultations you need, there is no extra cost.
Time: 2-4 Hours
Hospital: 2-3 Nights
Anaesthetic: General and abdominal block
Exercise: Refrain for 6-8 weeks
Smoking: 2 Weeks
Full recovery: 4-6 Weeks
Washing: 72 Hours
Driving: 2 Weeks
Corset: 4 Weeks
Time off work: 4 Weeks
“After a big weight loss I was left with excess skin which left me, despite managing to loose weight unhappy with my body and lacking confidence. I met with lots of other surgeons and had a date booked for surgery abroad before I met Fulvio. By the end of my first consultation with him I knew he was the man to help me. He made feel at ease like no other had and it was obvious that he genuinely cared.”
A Fleur-De-Lys Abdominoplasty is a great option for those who have experienced extreme weight loss and have lots of spare skin, but you must be comfortable with the thought of having a permanent midline scar on your tummy. Other Abdominoplasty scars can be hidden within the belly button and beneath underwear, but the midline scar cannot. If that is not acceptable to you, then it would be worth considering whether a different kind of Abdominoplasty would be a better choice for you.
* Analgesia (pain relief) - Ibuprofen and paracetamol can be taken
* Complete rest will be necessary for 48 hours
* Surgical skin tapes should be left in place for around 2 months
* The hospital or surgeon should be contacted if you develop a temperature
* The hospital or surgeon should also be contacted immediately in rare cases of bleeding or rapid swelling
* Patients should take care not to over exert themselves in the first few weeks and to keep pressure off the wounds
* Wounds will be checked and sutures removed normally at 1 week
* I will see you routinely at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgery, and more frequently if necessary
* Dressing care nurses may see you more often
* Swelling reduces after a few weeks
If you would benefit from a Fleur-De-Lys Abdominoplasty this will be discussed with you in advance. It is worth very careful consideration. The usual low abdominal scar can be hidden by underwear or swimwear, and there are tricks to hide your belly button scar as much as possible too, but there is really no disguising a midline abdominal scar in usual underwear or a bikini. Expect a side-to-side direction incision, which will leave you with an additional midline scar to a standard tummy tuck procedure.
£12,000- £14,000
Fleur-de-lys Abdominoplasty with Mr Fulvio Urso-Baiarda take place in one of our partnering hospitals. All our consultations and after care appointments for our surgical procedures are offered at our clinic in Berkshire servicing Eton, Windsor and beyond.
Eterno 360º Clinic
The Bridge House
138 High Street