Breast Reduction Surgery
Large breasts can cause back and neck pain, affect self-confidence, restrict certain physical activities, and make it difficult to wear certain outfits. Breast Reduction patients are amongst our most satisfied, and often tell us their surgery has changed their lives for the better. This surgery involves reducing breast tissue, tightening the skin and repositioning the nipple. It may also be possible to improve your breast projection. Liposuction may be an alternative solution for younger patients who only require a reduction of around one cup size.
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Breast Reduction will not only improve the look of the breasts, but also typically improves quality of life by relieving back and neck pain, and other physical and lifestyle restrictions. Surgery reduces breast tissue, tightens the skin, repositions the nipple and can improve breast projection.
During our meetings we will explore your wishes relating to breast size, shape, projection and breast-feeding in the future. It is important to understand your preferences, since some surgical techniques are likely to maintain your shape for longer at the expense of impairing breast-feeding. By knowing what’s important to you we can tailor the surgery to your preferences.
Pain medication is typically only needed for a few days, and swelling reduces after a few weeks. After the surgery, you will be asked to wear a post-surgical bra and will be given postoperative exercises to optimise results. You should be able to return to work after 1-2 weeks. Wounds will be checked at 1 week, and we’ll meet again at 1, 3 and 6 months.
Time: 1-2 Hours
Hospital: 1 Night
Anaesthetic: General
Exercise: 4-8 Weeks
Smoking: Stop for 2 weeks before & after surgery
Full recovery: 4-6 Weeks
Washing: Shower after day 2, bath after 2 weeks
Driving: 1-2 Weeks
Surgical bra: 4-6 Weeks
Time off work: 1-2 Weeks
“Dear Fulvio, Thank you so much for the fantastic breast reduction surgery that I had two weeks ago. The results have exceeded all my expectations. I can’t stop looking at my new body in the mirror. You’ve change my life and I love my new breasts! ”
This operation involves reducing the amount of breast and fatty tissue whilst uplifting the breast itself. It is carried out under general anaesthetic and you would typically need to stay in hospital for one night’s observation. Surgical time is variable but usually around two hours, and you should be able to return to work within one to two weeks. Like breast uplift, there are several variations of breast reduction surgery with different resultant scars, and I will advise which would best suit you during your consultation.
* Analgesia (pain relief) - Ibuprofen and paracetamol
* Surgical skin tapes should be left in place for the first week and replaced thereafter
* The hospital or surgeon should be contacted if you develop a temperature, bleeding or rapid swelling
* Wounds will be checked at 1 week, and I usually then see you at 1, 3 and 6 months.
* Swelling reduces after a few weeks
Any procedure has associated potential risks. For breast reduction, there are permanent scars which can become widened, thickened or stretched. Wound breakdown can occur, causing delayed wound healing. There is a risk of infection, bleeding or an internal collection of blood (a haematoma) which can require a return to theatre for treatment. Breast asymmetry is common both before and after surgery. Breast reduction can impair your ability to breast-feed in the future. Nipple sensation may be increased or reduced, and there is a risk of nipple necrosis or fat necrosis. Finally there are risks associated with any surgical procedure, such as blood clots to the legs and/or lungs. If you would like to discuss any of this in more detail then please contact us before your surgery.
£9000 - £10,000
Breast Reduction with Mr Fulvio Urso-Baiarda take place in one of our partnering hospitals. All our consultations and after care appointments for our surgical procedures are offered at our clinic in Berkshire servicing Eton, Windsor and beyond.
Eterno 360º Clinic
The Bridge House
138 High Street